Monday, December 31, 2007

HELLO new year!

I am going to blame the hormones again as I'm feeling quite sentimental today. It could also be the excitement and appreciation I have for my parents who offered to take Amélie for the evening so that Craig & I could have a "date night" on NYE! Yes, New Year's Eve! It's quite amazing and selfless of them - even after I warned them of Amélie's tendency to scream bloody murder at 4am requesting a bottle; they didn't seem to mind, go figure. This is just how grandparents act, I guess?! Well, it got me thinking back...

Picture this, approximately 20 years ago: Craig wearing his neon snow-pants (it was the late 80s/early 90s, folks) either out on the hill snowboarding or dreaming about snowboarding. It is highly likely I was sitting at my grandma & grandpa Taylor's house begging my grandma to give me a perm (it was the late 80s/early 90s, folks). I highly doubt either of us would have imagined ourselves as parents (to a dog, cat, and new baby girl) or even as a husband/wife.

Boy, being 10-years old sure seems easy... when your biggest worry is if you'll get to snowboard that day or if you'll get your hair to resemble a spiral-curled poodle. Today, even though we don't have much in the worry department as we have it pretty easy; Craig probably never thought he'd be changing a diaper instead of changing his boot straps and I never would have imagined my grandparents would have passed so early from my life, leaving me to miss them almost everyday. These thoughts are especially striking now when Craig & I are in the midst of building an amazing family of our own.

I mean, Indie is the best dog we could have ever ended up with and even Goomsie isn't too bad. However, it's this most amazing kid chilling next to me that gives me goosebumps. Today, as we say goodbye to 2007 and Craig & I move farther away from our childhood memories and as we start the new year - we will be adding brilliant new ones for Amélie. Many of the new memories will include our awesome family as both sets of grandparents have already shown us how amazing, helpful, supportive, caring, and genuinely obsessed they can be... even over the span of three, short weeks of life.

So, as we readily accept the offer from my parents to have a "date night" on such a special evening... we'll be sure to bring in 2008 both with anticipation of these awesome new memories and especially thankful for the old. Oh, and I will be drinking a beer (outside of my living room and not smelling like rotten milk) tonight - finally.

Happy New Year!


Sunday, December 23, 2007

Oh, one more thing...

She is still the boo-boo baby.

Merry Christmas!

We've been MIA lately, I'm sorry. I take my two finals next week, so after Friday - I will be back in commission. I will probably even drink a beer to celebrate; I'm so pumped! I just hope they allow me to come back next semester...

Just so you know, everything is going well at the H-dub household. Amélie is still adorable and she is learning quickly. Last night she slept for about 6 hours without needing to chow, so that was a great night of sleep. Not only have I been studying and cramming for Contracts, I've learned that breastfeeding is difficult and never take as many laxatives as the doctor prescribes. Seriously, why do people need laxatives? I'm guessing my addiction to granola and oatmeal probably works to my benefit, eh?

I am a bit sad that Craig goes back to work tomorrow. I guess we'll have some bonding time, just the girls. That is, in between the studies.

I have to admit that I'm very proud of the Boo lover, she is a nice doggy to her new sister. Plus, she is a poopy diaper radar; if Amélie has anything going on down below - Indie is all about sniffing it out. It's a nice alert before Amélie starts crying out of discomfort. The picture below is proof of the careful eye that Indie keeps on the new baby. I couldn't have a cuter family.

Tuesday, December 18, 2007

The Daddy RoCKS!

This is a tribute to the best new Daddy ever born!

I've been begging Craig for days to change my banner. I think the new one is amazingly adorable. It totally shows off those delicate little fingers that are constantly being kissed. Craig has such a knack for being creative and fun. I blame it on his being left-handed. I hope Amélie gets his creativity.

Craig has also been waiting on me for the last week or so. In such a way that when I need a glass of water, he's already filling the glass before I ask. When I need my glasses that I left upstairs on the dresser, he's on his way to get them for me. When I realize that I cannot believe I have to take two finals within the next two weeks, he's right next to me comforting me and telling me that it'll work out. I hope Amélie gets his caring and genuine personality.

Amélie secretly told me this morning (when Craig took a couple hours to go snowboarding) that she was so happy to have a daddy that is teaching her how to smile, laugh, and be happy. I'm a bit stunned at how Craig has jumped into the role of daddy... immediately. As soon as the nurse placed her in the warming basket in the hospital, he was by her side helping to bathe her, swaddle her, and tell her stories about how the world works. I hope Amélie gets his positive and smart outlook on life.

When I first saw Craig change Amélie's diaper, I giggled at the care he took with each movement. He slowly unbuttoned her onesie, softly lifted her legs, delicately untaped the diaper, and carefully replaced it with a new one. Now, after I've come to watch him with Amélie over the last week - I realize that he is just that delicate in all respects. I've had a realization that this is Craig's nature; there is no haste or hurry. He is calm, respectful, and such a great role model. I hope Amélie and I inherit these most important values and traits.

I owe SO much to my baby's daddy. He is amazing and I love him more than I thought I ever could... Seriously, how did I get to be the luckiest girl? I have the nicest, sweetest, smartest, most caring, handsome, and creative beau... ALL in a package carrying such a fine toosh?! Not to repeat myself, but I hope Amélie gets his fine toosh too.

Dad Flexing his Parenting Skills

Saturday, December 15, 2007

New look coming soon...

So, it's been three days and about 8 hours for little Miss Amélie. Isn't it crazy that you can measure someone's life by hours or days?!

The last 48 hours have been really rough on us all. It's not the typical newborn fussy baby syndrome but rather Amélie had a little eye infection. We set up an appointment at Children's Clinic and they ended up feeling her infection was concerning being she was only 48 hours old. Well, they admitted her in the NICU on Friday morning at Children's Hospital and here we sit. Apparently, all the labs and tests are turning out A-okay and she is on antibiotics. We can tell she is feeling much-much-much better. As long as the eye cultures remain the way they are, it seems we'll be bringing her home from the hospital (repeat big event!) tomorrow, Sunday.

PHEW, this hospital stuff has gotten old. It will have been more than a week in hospitals when Sunday arrives and we'll be thrilled to go home and be "normal" again. In the meantime, let's talk about good news. I noticed that many are asking how much she weighs, height, eye color, etc. Here are the det's:

When she was born: 7 lbs 6.8 oz, 21 inches, dark-dark blue eyes, very calm temperament, and perfect rosy skin.
Today: 7 lbs, 21 inches, lighter blue eyes, calm moving towards a more composed and mature temperament, and of course, perfect rosy skin.

In case you haven't seen this one yet, it's one of my favorites. We'll update you early next week on her adventures in the west side of St. Paul once we ditch these hospitals!


Wednesday, December 12, 2007

We Made a Human!?!

Amélie T-W made her first appearance last night at 3:42am and was warmly received by two happy parents and a team of doctors, nurses, and family. The parents are taking the day off to catch up on rest. More details to follow.

Click on the photo for more pictures..

Day 2: Well Deserved Nap

Thanks for everyone's support!

Tuesday, December 11, 2007

Dec 11, 2007

Quick update again..

Jill's water finally broke! Actually, seeping is a more accurate word. She's really showing her mental toughness, as the most recent contractions have been the strongest yet. Seems like visualizing our dog running through the yard is finding her comfort.

At this point the doctors feel that the next course of action will completely depend on the events in the next several hours. Their decision can't come soon enough for Jill.

Monday, December 10, 2007

Tick Tock Tick Tock...

Craig here. I'm updating from the Maplewood McDonald's since it would seem that the rooms at St John's Hospital do not come equipped with wi-fi internet, nor quarter-pounders with cheese.

It's been nearly 24 hours since we first checked in and settled into our room in the maternity ward. Last night the nurses applied various gel treatments and other techniques in an effort to promote dilation and break our baby out of confinement and onto planet Earth. It wasn't a very comfortable night for any of us. I cocooned myself in a pair of sheets and claimed space on a short couch, while Jill struggled with the tangle of monitoring equipment and midnight bathroom breaks. The nurse was kind enough to comment on Jill's earrings, explaining that they closely resemble a freshly expelled placenta [not kidding].

This morning the doctors upped the regimen and implemented a hearty dose of Pitocin via Jill's first I.V. drip. So far, it appears to be encouraging contractions, though at this stage the strength of each cramp is decidedly weaker than we had hoped. There is talk about sending her home to sleep it off, with the possibility of returning Wednesday or Thursday for another try. Until a decision is made, my baby's mamma has buried herself in law books in anticipation of Saturday's final at school.

More to come.. most likely around lunch or dinnertime, and during McDonald's normal operating hours.

Wednesday, December 5, 2007

Who's in charge here?!

I've done it. It looks like little Bho is an independent thinker already. I guess my wish of having a strong girl who can make her own decisions is coming true! It is all starting with her desire to choose her birth day. Well, the doctor told me today that things are definitely progressing but she must really like it in there cause she needs to start the inducing procedure this Saturday.

Just so you know, I will be hanging out at St. John's Hospital all weekend. Lots of fun to see sick people complaining all around me, aRGh! I have three appt's scheduled over the two days and my doctor expects Bho to arrive on Monday, the 10th. So, whomever bet the 10th was the date - you're on the same wavelength as my OB.

Oh, and for those of you who know I am stressing about taking my law finals. I am going to get my Civil Pro exam over with on Friday at noon. I'm so pumped that they're allowing me to do it early. This is the delight of a small school, I suppose. It took a whole 30 min's to figure out the details. The other exams will just have to be delayed a bit. I'm happy because it just didn't feel right to study criminal behavior/law while feeling overly hormonal.

Speaking of hormonal, isn't this the cutest little baby otter? I bet Bho has a slight resemblance (minus the fur). I hope Indie likes water creature-looking babies.

Sunday, December 2, 2007


Thank you to the grandpas for putting the crib together! Thank you granny Williams (she wants to be called that folks...) for the beautiful bedding! Thank you Craig for putting the bookshelf together, wall decal on the wall, and blinds on the windows! Thank you Bwie for Rody!

Now, I sit and wait to thank Bho for giving me the easiest labor (aka, eruption) this week. Here is a preview of one side of the room. It's a bit bare - before we moved in the chair, lamp, books, and junk...
We don't plan on leaving Bho's daddy ear in the lower right corner. That was put there for pure effect.