What I do realize about my mother is that one of her truely amazing abilities is to be polite and befriend everyone, which means I'm desperately crossing my fingers that trait is passed down to Bho. If she doesn't get this from my mom, she ain't gonna get it from anyone else in this household (no offense Bho's dad, cause you can be polite & nice when you want... but not to the extent of my mother). So please, please, please may she get some of that sugary sweet Taylor/Eckert blood.
So, I'm off topic. The point is that I'm a busy girl. Even though, I'm a busy girl we have started purchasing items for our "happy monster" themed nursury. Just the other day we finally got our Uglydolls. Yay! This is the extent of my craftyness, a homemade mobile:
Yes, I know, I need an eyebrow wax. Please stop looking at me and notice my little Uglydoll mobile. These dolls are the cutest thing since the Boo was a puppy. Check out the close up:
I'm hoping that next week I can provide a final pic of the new house paint. I've got to say that it has taken our painters 4 days at about 35 hours of work to scrape only two full sides of our house. Let's hear a "THANK GOD we are not doing this ourselves, HALLELUJAH!" I know my dad is cringing right now thinking that he should be up on the forty foot ladder scrapping every last board to perfection to save us money but the peaceful look on Bho's dad is worth the cost of a professional painter.
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