The latest involved the assistance of our friendly childbirth class teacher. She delightfully explained that: "yes indeed, a woman's pelvic bone does adjust or shift during childbirth." Booya Craig - I told you so, I told you so! That boy thought he knew everything about anatomy, apparently. When I tried to explain that it seems evident that the pelvic bone has to shift a little to fit that melon sized nogan - he confidently bet me. Ummm, hello?! See below.
HA! Now, I wish I remembered what I bet him; I'll probably just settle the bet for a bowl of ice cream. I'm so easy.
Just a sidenote, childbirth classes suck - not only are they three hours long (almost as long as one of my law classes) but they involve sitting in a circle with about 20 other crazy couples. Seriously, some are C-r-A-Z-y! There was one woman frantically rubbing her belly the whole three hours like she was Buddha and expecting a wish to be granted. Another was disgustingly eating stinky Fritos and wiping her hands on the bottom of the chair, yuck. You should all feel so lucky that Bho's parents are normal.
Btw, later today or tomorrow I will post an awesome photo of the "shanty." For now, just know that the new paint job is looking fab!