Thursday, July 26, 2007

For the sap, sappy...

The first year is supposedly the most difficult year of marriage, right? That's what we're told. But dang, if this was our toughest... how much easier is it going to get? I do like a challenge, ya know? Although, not to brag or anything but everything between Craigita and I are pretty swell. I mean, we know our roles fairly well. Craig seems to fix things around the house slowly, while I consistently nag. Craig is always thoughtful, while I rant & rave about the small things. Craig is always paying compliments about how cute I am, while I b*tch about how fat I'm looking. By the way, as it appears below, Bho has been hungry lately. Yikes.

Seriously, though, with our one-year anniversary around the corner I can't help but wonder what is so difficult about the first year of marriage? Besides for the fact that Mother Nature is still proving this week is the hottest of the year and that makes Craig very crabby. Somewhere in my mind, I have a feeling that next year with law school and a Bho, it might be a bit more stressful. Something about baby poo sticking to the pages of my expensive legal books might be frustrating...

Here is to a honeymoon-year start to a marriage and many more to come!

Just a bit of reminscense of the hottest day of 2006 (one hint to a good marriage is to remember your wife looking like this... versus the photo above):
Hopefully, next year during our anniversary weekend when I'm helping my Ana Catalina get married (again, let me emphasize this is the hottest week of MN) I will fit back into my old size. Well, at least I will be able to enjoy the champagne... if I'm fat or not.

1 comment:

Ana Catalina said...

YIKES!! My work week was so nuts that I've only noticed as I was reading your blog that my wedding is officially less than one year away. Time is going so fast. I can't believe the wedding is less than a year away:0

Anyway, you are looking like a very cute pregnant lady and still looking pretty small for 5 months, I must say.

Happy Anniversary to Jill and Craigita!!!