Wednesday, August 1, 2007

Overprotective family members, you know who you are...

There is a lot to be said about a close knit family especially when a new baby is brought into the mix... I mean, I can assume that my mom will answer the midnight phone calls when I'm stressed out and Bho won't eat, sleep, or shut up. I'm also assuming that my dad will take on the responsibility when we don't feel like paying a stranger to watch Bho during the day while I'm working hard for the money. Was that a subtle enough way of breaking the new nanny job to him?! Finally, I assume all other needs and desires will be fulfilled by Bho's other grandparents!

With those tiny details being clarified, I have to bring up my frustrations with being "over-protected" and throw out a small disclaimer to Bho.

I hereby swear to not only overprotect you, Bho -as I have endured for 29.5 years from my parents - but also affirm that your grandparents will do the same. As you grow older, you will come to appreciate this as a lack of commonsense on my part, quite suffocating and very irritating. However, you will also learn that it is fully out of my control. Please take refuge in the fact that we have supplied you with the cutest dog, Indie boo-boo, to help alleviate those worries; you should feel ever so lucky.

Because this is MY blog, I feel that I deserve to vent. Here are a few fairly reasonable assumptions I've made that thanks to my family are now frustrations.
-It seems logical to me that exercising, for example a pleasurable tennis match would be good for all pregnant women and fetuses alike.
-As is enjoying a nice dallop of frosting on an anniversary cake that I will only get once a year. I'd even stretch this logic to believing that a nice challenge, such as a law school endeavor, is good for the mental stability of any sane person. For those of you that do not understand why I'd be frustrated - talk to my parents, hubby, and friends/coworkers alike - they must supply the explanations because I have no clue.

Phew, with that being lifted off my shoulders - we can all relax and take a look at a few pictures of our awesome weekend in Lutsen. Just a forewarning to those who "overprotect the Jho," (this might be confusing for many, Jho = Jill plus last name abbreviation) I did exercise and I did get sweaty. Let this be proof that I'm alive and Bho is kicking after a long trek up Eagle Mountain to get to the highest point in MN. We're safe and I feel great that I got a bit more toned from all the climbing... God forbid I don't gain the same 100lbs that my mom gained from eating spagetti dinners every night, no offense mom. Love ya!

Notice the chosen photos don't include humans? Well, the photo credits must be given to Craigita for this trip. Evidently, it is known that pregnant women shouldn't control the camera (no offense Eyespy). I've chosen not to scare those few blogs readers with my lack of photogenic skills so I've ceased to post any of my glamour shots from our hikes. Now you have a chance to feel ever so lucky.


Anonymous said...

Well since I'm awake most of the night anyway you might as well call and talk to me :) Yes little Bho will feel loved and protected by all of us!! I'm sure even Indie will - once she realizes she's no longer number 1 :)
You have a ways to go before you gain that much weight! Remember I was 3 weeks overdue. Hmmmm we could have a spaghetti dinner :)

Love you

A's mama said...

Sweet, I've been blog-spammed. I promise, I'm not making any money off of my pathetic blog. ;)

Anonymous said...

Man, I wish it was illegal for knocked up chicks to hold cameras. Then I could collect unemployment. Plus, it should be illegal for preggos to take out the garbage, wash dirty dog booty, and be polite on the phone. Especially the last one...