Each morning, I have my routine as everyone does... but it seems that lately Bho has either made me extra slow, extra sleepy or just plain more sentimental than normal (you'll understand in a minute).
My thrilling mornings go a little like this: Craig gets up before me, wakes me up slowly with his loud getting-dressed noises (who knew looking this good was SO loud?) while I toss and turn and the Boo hogs the bed, I mean, snuggles the pillows. It seems that finally, Craig gives me a kissy and leaves. Normally, I fall asleep for about fifteen minutes while my alarm is blasting than frantically rush into the shower wishing I would have just gotten up when he woke me the first time. After I find some resemblance of professionalism, I usually fly around the kitchen putting together a lunch. I should have realized by now that my mom is damn smart (I don't need any comments from Bho's grandma on this one though). I always thought she was such a nerd or do-goodie by making lunches the night before but today I realize she either also had a hard time getting her butt out of bed or dragging me out of bed.
Well, my final but very important piece of the routine includes cuddling the Boo and giving her my goodbyes. Maybe this is why we have such a neurotic / needy dog? I'm not sure... but I do know that our dog gets majorly depressed when she knows we're leaving.
This morning was no exception. Not only did she give me that puppy-dog look, she refused to kiss me. I tried to hug her extra tight, I even put on minty chapstick, which she normally devours... I even told her that I'd stay home from work and play outside with her. No reaction, no perk, nothing. I left this morning with gut-rot, a pit in my belly that my depressed little Boo would be under the bed crying. However, as I walked down our front steps heading to the bus stop... I heard her sweet, whining bark and I turned like in a dramatic movie and saw her head in the front window shouting, "have a great day mom!"
OH, one more thing... all my coworkers in Sweden or in other fanciful Europeon destinations are off for the next month due to "summer holiday." My good mood just turned into raging jealousy. Maybe Bho is causing moodswings? Does that mean I have to admit to them though?
Are you sure she wasn't barking out the front window in protest?
Don't you think I'd know if she was protesting?! I do have motherly instincts, ya know.
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