Wednesday, January 9, 2008

Caucus me!

Just thought I'd share that Amélie and I had our first night of politics together. We eagerly watched the CNN countdown of New Hampshire's primary. Amélie did nod off & on but I heard her chanting something like, "goooooooooo Obama!" and "goooooooooo Hillary!"

I have to say, Amélie is quite bright, she says it's just too hard of a decision to make at this point. I listen objectively - what can a mother do?!

Although last night was a little surprising, all in all, we're satisfied with Iowa and NH's results. However, just remember that Super Tuesday (Feb 5th) is around the corner - so please get out & caucus! Let's give MN a strong voice...

Here is another cute picture - Amélie practicing her body language for when she is on the podium speaking to her supporters.

Here's lookin at you - ceiling fan!


Anonymous said...

That is a GREAT pic!!! She is changing soo fast. Thank you!

Anonymous said...

She is adorable. If my wife ever gets better, we can come see her in person.