We've been MIA lately, I'm sorry. I take my two finals next week, so after Friday - I will be back in commission. I will probably even drink a beer to celebrate; I'm so pumped! I just hope they allow me to come back next semester...
Just so you know, everything is going well at the H-dub household. Amélie is still adorable and she is learning quickly. Last night she slept for about 6 hours without needing to chow, so that was a great night of sleep. Not only have I been studying and cramming for Contracts, I've learned that breastfeeding is difficult and never take as many laxatives as the doctor prescribes. Seriously, why do people need laxatives? I'm guessing my addiction to granola and oatmeal probably works to my benefit, eh?
I am a bit sad that Craig goes back to work tomorrow. I guess we'll have some bonding time, just the girls. That is, in between the studies.
I have to admit that I'm very proud of the Boo lover, she is a nice doggy to her new sister. Plus, she is a poopy diaper radar; if Amélie has anything going on down below - Indie is all about sniffing it out. It's a nice alert before Amélie starts crying out of discomfort. The picture below is proof of the careful eye that Indie keeps on the new baby. I couldn't have a cuter family.
I am glad to hear all things are going well. Looking forward to seeing you at my parents house on Christmas Eve.
Congratulations! I hope some day soon I get to meet her.
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