Have you been to my house lately? If so, feel free to close your browser.
If not, let me summarize... dog & cat fur - the size of baby bunnies - swoosh across the floors with any movement, law books & highlighters are piled two feet high on the coffee table, and diapers/gifts from the baby shower are spread across the arms of chairs displaying either their adorable small size or sweet baby-print. Ohhhhh, and I haven't dusted in months. Seriously.
Remember that long list of "to-do's" covering my duties through December? Well, apparently because I didn't list "keeping tidy" as a priority - I've ignored the completion of this chore. But just so you don't think I'm a slacker, the rest of the list is being checked off, I promise!
I'm totally willing to remain pregnant for another year (just kidding, Bwi's mom) if I can make it through those law exams, because so far, studying and preparing for them is kicking my ass. Although, I'm sure labor will be a piece of cake in comparison... a piece of cake.
Yummmm, a cake sounds so delicious!
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