You all probably thought I meant the countdown to Bho, huh? Well, I'm actually talking about a few very important countdowns:
1. the baby shower, 5 days & counting (t-th-thr-thrilling)
2. the final birthing class, next Monday evening (we're delivering the placenta tonight folks)
3. end of classes, four weeks (law school)
4. End of Quarter (last week of November) at work, usually high stress, late nights
5. DUE DATE = BHO! (December 1st - 3rd; but I say November 27th)
6. final exams, 1st week of December (ha!!)
First, the baby shower: I hate the thought of family and close friends staring at me while opening gifts, eating food (I plan to save that tiny bit of room for cake actually), and playing a rousing baby-themed game during my "fatty stage." Don't get me wrong, I'm plenty thankful to have a great family & group of friends... and to get together and appreciate their thrill & kindness re: the plan that Craig & I are having a Bho. However, the timing is just not my preference.
Second, birthing classes. Okay, we learned that my pelvic bone moves, that I will try to squat during delivery, and I am keeping an open mind re: epidural/drugs (I'm against drugs - I learned that from my parents and DARE). You know, a handknit uterus and birthing canal is cool... but did we really have to spend five weeks together for three hours a pop?
Third, my law classes end on November 18th. Although, I do have a make-up class on December 2nd. Hmmm, being that they moved the due date from December 3rd to December 1st - I'm not sure I'll make that class. Hope the prof. doesn't mind my missing class in order to avoid going into labor during a discussion of the Erie Doctrine.
Fourth, end of quarter/last day of November is just plain old poor timing in the scheme of Jho's life. Being that I cannot convince my company or the B.O.D to delay their earnings/GAAP reporting, it seems I might be missing out on the busiest week of the quarter. I just hope that if I do come in to lend a hand - my coworkers are ready to follow my orders of "drive fast, drive fast, drive fast to St. John's hospital."
Five, Bho. Yes, that's inevitable.
Lastly, finals. I'm not sure when I'll get them done or how... but knowing me, I WILL DO IT! At least that is what I've been telling myself over & over again.
So, these are my major event countdowns for the coming month & a half (maybe longer, depending upon those finals & Bho's imposition). Ohhh, and poor Craig is just counting down to the first snow so he can make a few snowboarding trips. As you can tell, that just isn't on my list of priorities. Go figure.
1 comment:
Man, I'm so sad that I'm not in MN to attend Bho's baby shower. I'll be thinking of you when I'm trying on puffy white dresses with my mom in NYC this weekend.
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