This whole Bho thing has really gotten Craig & I thinking lately. We've recently started planning for her future and I'm not talking about what she is going to wear home from the hospital or her nursery theme. Actually, I've started receiving reading materials about college saving programs such as 529s, high-school tennis camps all across the world, and now we can even plan for an arranged marriage! Yes, we heard some fabulous news yesterday...
Bwie's mom just found out that she is growing a penis inside of her! Isn't that great news, Bho?! It means you already have yourself a protector, a secret crush, and a best friend of the opposite sex. It means you can "na-naa-na-boo-boo" him when you kick his butt wrestling or when you ace him for the first time with your wicked tennis serve. It also means that we'll be having the private parts conversation, "why does Bwie have a wiener? why can Bwie pee in the backyard with the dogs and I can't?" Oh geez, Bwie's parents might have just made our job trickier if my vision of naked babies and dogs running around our backyards occurs as often as I imagine. Yikes.
Even though Bwie's parents were a bit shocked at first, I think it was all meant to be and it'll end up being a blessing (ahem, no blaming the sperm-providers - right Matty?). Most importantly, Bwie and his mom are in perfect health and everything looked spectacular, which is what matters most.
Got to run, I have a lot of planning to do for the big wedding... dum, dum, da-dum: Bwie + Bho!
hey what about my baby, she may be like the older boys. Bwi may not be Bho's cup of tea, not to mention my bkr is pretty cute. Tell you man I'm going to beat him at Tc run!!!!
well, i'm all for older men. i guess we'll leave the options open for Bho. if she likes the ty-guy instead, we can have a brawl to see who can beat who... Bwie better get some of his momma's spunk.
yes, now is the time to even your score against the craigita re: running - while he hasn't been training due to his hungry/whiney woman.
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